KOTA TINGGI, 28 Feb -- Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industri, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz (enam, kiri) bersama ketua delegasi dari negara ASEAN dan Timor-Leste pada sesi bergambar sebelum memulakan Permukiman AEM ke-31 di Desaru, Johor hari ini.
Turut hadir Timbalannya Liew Chin Tong (dua, kiri).
KOTA TINGGI, Feb 28 -- Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz (sixth, left) together with the heads of delegations from ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste, take a group photo before commencing the 31st ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Retreat in Desaru, Johor, today.
Also present Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry (second, left).
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